Painting Baseboards Before Installation

This week on the Painting 101 Blog, we let you in on a little secret. This is an easy time saver!

Installing New Baseboards? Paint Them First!

If you’re like us, you love finding ways to save time. This is especially useful during house painting projects. If you’re planning on installing new baseboards in one or more rooms of your house, consider painting them beforehand! Here’s the simple process:

  • Before cutting the baseboards, lay every piece of wood flat on a tarp.
  • Prime the wood strips first, then let them dry.
  • Once dried, it’s time to paint them! Paint over the tarps, then let the paint dry.
  • Now you’re ready to install the freshly painted baseboards in your home.


Using this easy process, you save a ton of your time and energy. Now all you have to worry about is touch-ups!

Peak Pro Painting is Denver’s most trusted commercial and residential painting company. Interested in learning more about how we can help you with your next home painting project? Check out our Services page here.



Note: Peak Pro Painting is not responsible for any damage or injury caused by misuse of techniques or materials described herein.

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