How to Achieve Perfect Interior Paint Lines

Interior walls can take on all sorts of personalities! Crisp, solid accent walls can make a room pop, while geometric patterns bring out the playful side in an interior space. Before painting an accent wall or attempting a crisp geometric pattern, considering the following tips from Denver’s home painting specialists, Peak Pro Painting. Our caulked line technique leaves perfectly crisp edges on all interior surfaces.
1. Tape off the Lines
The first step to getting that perfect caulk line is to tape off the line(s) once you have the tape down and straight.
2. Caulk the edge of the Tape
When doing an accent wall you always want to use clear caulking incase the caulking bleeds through the tape. Take your caulking gun and lay a thin line of caulk over the tape where you want your line to be.
3. Remove Excess Caulking
The next step is to take a damp rag or sponge and wipe off the excess caulking, you want to leave a very thin layer of caulking on there.
4. Paint and Peal
Once you remove most of the caulking and you have that thin layer of caulking over your tape, you can take your brush or small roller and paint over it. While the paint is still wet, remove the tape and you should have some crisp lines!
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